11th International Conferences on Gender & Women's Studies 2024, Mumbai
Pictures of 2024 conference
10th International Conferences on Gender & Women's Studies 2023, Bangkok
Pictures of 2023 conference
9th International Conferences on Gender & Women"s Studies 2022, Singapore
Pictures of 2022 conference
8th International Conferences on Gender & Women"s Studies 2021, Singapore time
7th International Conferences on Gender & Women studies 2020, Singapore time
6th International Conferences on Gender & Women"s Studies 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Participants from 31 countries representing 57 leading globally renowned universities such as Harvard University, University of Guelph, University of Montreal, Duke University, International Christian University, University of Leeds and the University of Auckland presented their research findings to an equally enlightened and appreciative audience.
Pictures of GWS2019 conference
5th International Conferences on Gender & Women's Studies, Bangkok, Thailand
Pictures of GWS2018 conference
Networking Tour :
4th International Conference on Advances in Women’s Studies 2017 Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Pictures of AWS2017
3rd International Conference on Advances in Women’s Studies 2016, New York, USA
Pictures of AWS2016
2nd International Conference on Women's Studies 2015, Toronto, Canada
There were 85 presenters (including virtual) from 36 countries. The post conference study tour took them to Niagara Falls & Wineries.
Pictures of AWS 2015
1st International Conference on Women's Studies 2013 , Colombo, Sri Lanka
Keynote Presenters : Prof. Dr. N.S. Cooray, Prof. Dr.Shechory-Bitton, Prof. Dr. Sanjukta Ghosh
There were 36 presenters( including virtual ) from 12 countries participated.( Australia, USA, Nepal, Malaysia, India, Belgium, Tanzania, Pakistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Georgia, Bangladesh ) The conference dinner was held at the "Akasa Kade" Sky Restaurant and it was a good networking opportunity for all the presenters. The post conference study tour took them to Kandy, the last kingdom of Sri Lanka.